Thursday, June 26, 2008

Teaching for Writers

There is an awful lot of things to learn at the Seton Hill University Writing Popular Fiction residencies. Not only do you learn from the mentors at the core and elective modules, but underclassmen/ women/ people learn from the graduating seniors.

It was my turn to teach this morning.

I had the pleasure to follow fellow seniors Rich Snyder (my current and forever critique partner) and Aubrey Curry ( my first critique partner) in their teaching modules. The class was overseen by Dr. Al Wendland, who will be taking over the program in the coming term.

I Rich Snyder is a physician as well as a writer. His "Anatomy of an Injury" (Trauma) lecture was brilliant. This man is so self-effacing, you would never know he is an excellent public speaker. What a great class!

Aubrey taught about getting inspiration from the photos on I-Stock was very informative. i had never heard of the site and wow, you can get really great photos.

My lecture was about Research for Writers (Backstory). I had fun tying the concepts in with my thesis novel THE GENERAL'S SON. I can talk for hours on the subject of Cosimo de Medici and his wife Eleonora de Toledo. It was a lucky thing that we were alotted only 50 minutes.

I also took a module on the different types of romance novels (series vs. single title) from SHU? WPF grad Shelley Bates. Her color handouts alone are worth the price of the class! Organized, informative and fun. Have I mentioned in color? And that is just the handout. Great class, Shelley!

I checked my email while in the library. Wendy Lynn, The Goddess of the WPF program kept joking about me just waiting around for a meeting with my mentor. (Graduating seniors don't have them.) However, I DID turn in my thesis. I am doing the happy dance. THE GENERAL'S SON will see print -- at least in the library.

I should run through it one more time for typos. Then again, maybe not.

Hung out with the Tuesday Girls. They are lovely, funny and smart. Of course they are paying me big bucks for me to write this! Love you guys!

More tomorrow after Maria V. Snyder's class. I have a boatload of things to bring to her class. More about that tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

We love you TUUUUE! Who do we make the check out to, btw?

The Tuesday Girls

Anonymous said...

We love you TUUUUE! Who do we make the check out to, btw?

The Tuesday Girls

Anonymous said...

Talk about multiple submissions, yeesh! We suppose it's appropriate, though, being TWO.